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Kaleidolight for Outdoor Lighting

Can you imagine what it would be like to have your ain individual constellation on the wall of your house when y'all stay out in the garden or patio in the warm summer nights with a clear sky? You tin can even choose the colour of your stars and their number. Hey, you don't have to wake up, as you are not dreaming – this is real and it is called Kaleidolight, a kind of word combination between kaleidoscope and light.

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This is actually modular glass lighting because the constellation I was only dreaming about is made of many glass tubes of different colours or having the same color for a more powerful visual bear upon. All these tubes are then stock-still in the house wall on the outside according to a pre-established design.

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This fashion you volition exist able to have different lit patterns on the wall of your house, thanks to Ali Ganjavian. He was the ane who created this drinking glass tube with an aluminum lid and an interior aluminum line that gets incandescent and casts calorie-free onto the glass of different colours surrounding it. All these tubes then go into the wall and get stock-still there, but the visual effect created is amazing.
