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Spoken Poetry About Gender Equality Tagalog

These slam poets are spittin' some fierce feminism.

Fighting the good feminist fight can become frustrating. Sometimes we need a pick-me-up to fight another day, and these awesome slam poets give us just that.

From pushing back against pressure about appearance to challenging rape culture and talking honestly about abortion, these poets' words implore us to keep fighting and to remember the importance of gender equality.

Here are 14 of our favorite feminist spoken word poems that remind us why we're feminists:

1. "The Period Poem" by Dominique Christina
"Should any fool mishandle the wild geography of your body… then just bleed boo. Give that blood a biblical name."

2. "Pretty" by Katie Makkai
"This is about the self-mutilating circus we have painted ourselves clowns in. About women who will prowl 30 stories and six malls to find the the right cocktail dress but who haven't a clue where to find fulfillment or how to wear joy."

3. "Heels" by Imani Cezanne
"I wear heels because it's useless to cater to the insecure. You think people won't notice you? You should shine brighter. You should get more special. You should love yourself enough to not let a woman in heels emasculate you."

4. "Fantastic Breasts and Where To Find Them" by Brenna Twohy
"It looks like 24/7 live streaming, reminding me that men are going to f*ck me whether I like it or not, that there is one use for my mouth and it is not speaking, that a man is his most powerful when he's got a woman by the hair."

5. "Feminist or a Womanist" by Staceyann Chin
"I come in too many flavors for one f*cking spoon."

6. "What Guys Look For In Girls" by Savannah Brown
"You're worth so much more than your waistline. You're worth the beautiful thoughts you think, and the daring dreams you dream, undone and drunk off alcohol of being. But sometimes we forget that."

7. "Shrinking Woman" by Lily Myers
"Women in my family have been shrinking for decades."

8. "When" by Carlos Andrés Gómez
"When owning your own body is understood when it comes to me, but still in federal appellate courts for my wife, my two sisters, six aunts, every mother, daughter, woman I have ever met."

9. "Feminism" by Ashia Ajani, Tolu Obiwole, Abby Friesen-Johnson and Alexis Rain Vigil
"Before I am a woman, I am black. [But] women and color should not have to surrender to each other."

10. "I Think She Was A She" by Leyla Josephine
"I would've supported her right to choose. To choose a life for herself, a path for herself. I would've died for that right like she died for mine. I'm sorry, but you came at the wrong time."

11. "Rape Poem To End All Rape Poems" by Justice Hehir, Kate Thomas, Lindsey Michelle Williams and Lillie Hannon
"We wouldn't need so many damn rape poems if America had listened the first time."

12. "10 Honest Thoughts On Being Loved By A Skinny Boy" by Rachel Wiley
"I say, 'I am fat.' He says, 'no, you're beautiful.' I wonder why I cannot be both."

13. "She Said" by Amir Sulaiman
"I know that being a man is more than being male, and I'm focused on doing it right."

14. "How Not To Make Love To A Fat Girl" by Yesika Salgado
"Sex with someone new is awkward for everyone. Sex with someone new when things about your body often frighten you is nerve-racking."

signed on for a full year with men's team Columbus Cottonmouths, and bobsledder (and athlete of the year) Kaillie Humphries will be one of the first women competing alongside men on the World Cup circuit this season.","credit":"AP Photo/Kyle Terada, Pool","width":2273,"height":1764},"title":"Girls Playing With Boys","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"textWrap":"noWrap"},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":3500,"height":2333,"credit":"Eduardo Munoz Alvarez via Getty Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559ec31ee4b01c2162a61d9a","caption":"When UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson stood up in front of the United Nations to launch HeForShe campaign, she made a point to discuss when men advocate as feminists, everyone can benefit. 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Her ordeal has called renewed attention the hundreds of missing and murdered aboriginal women in the country, and her bravery in being publicly identified helped arrest the men who allegedly attacked her.","credit":"","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559ec31e1b0000ba0427f744.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Rinelle Harper, a 16-year-old Aboriginal woman who was assaulted and narrowly managed to escape with her life, made a speech to the Assembly of First Nations last week. Her ordeal has called renewed attention the hundreds of missing and murdered aboriginal women in the country, and her bravery in being publicly identified helped arrest the men who allegedly attacked her.","credit":"The Canadian Press","width":2000,"height":1000},"title":"Standing Up For Justice","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"textWrap":"noWrap"},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":3884,"height":2566,"credit":"Science Photo Library via Getty Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559ec31fe4b01c2162a61d9c","caption":"For women who want the option of putting off having kids (or are still unsure about having them at all), more and more companies (most famously this year, Apple and Facebook) are offering egg freezing as part of their benefits packages. While some felt this could add pressure to work even harder at your job, we say choices are a good thing.","credit":"Science Photo Library via Getty Images","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559ec31f14000087049a7570.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"For women who want the option of putting off having kids (or are still unsure about having them at all), more and more companies (most famously this year, Apple and Facebook) are offering egg freezing as part of their benefits packages. While some felt this could add pressure to work even harder at your job, we say choices are a good thing.","credit":"Science Photo Library via Getty Images","width":3884,"height":2566},"title":"Egg Freezing Goes Mainstream (Ish)","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"textWrap":"noWrap"},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":1501,"height":2000,"credit":"Johner Images - Nyman, Fredrik via Getty Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559ec320e4b01c2162a61d9f","caption":"We're not saying that women have managed to win every battle over feeding their babies in public, but when you have a male, teen Starbucks barista on your side, you know it's becoming less of an issue.","credit":"Johner Images - Nyman, Fredrik via Getty Images","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559ec3201b0000ba0427f746.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"We're not saying that women have managed to win every battle over feeding their babies in public, but when you have a male, teen Starbucks barista on your side, you know it's becoming less of an issue.","credit":"Johner Images - Nyman, Fredrik via Getty Images","width":1501,"height":2000},"title":"Breastfeeding In Public","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"textWrap":"noWrap"},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":500,"height":278},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559ec320e4b01c2162a61d9d","caption":"Beyonce, arguably the sexiest woman in the world, stood like a statue in front of the word \"feminist,\" during the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards in August. If that doesn't tell you labelling yourself a feminist is something to be proud of, perhaps Aziz Ansari's quote on the topic might help. \"You're a feminist if you go to a Jay-Z and Beyoncé concert and you're not like, 'I feel like Beyoncé should get 23 percent less money than Jay-Z,. Also, I don't think Beyoncé should have the right to vote and why is Beyoncé singing and dancing? Shouldn't she make Jay a steak?'\"","credit":"","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559ec32017000087053260b5.gif","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Beyonce, arguably the sexiest woman in the world, stood like a statue in front of the word \"feminist,\" during the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards in August. If that doesn't tell you labelling yourself a feminist is something to be proud of, perhaps Aziz Ansari's quote on the topic might help. \"You're a feminist if you go to a Jay-Z and Beyoncé concert and you're not like, 'I feel like Beyoncé should get 23 percent less money than Jay-Z,. Also, I don't think Beyoncé should have the right to vote and why is Beyoncé singing and dancing? Shouldn't she make Jay a steak?'\"","width":500,"height":278},"title":"\"Feminist\" Gets Feminine","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"textWrap":"noWrap"},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":628,"height":260},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559ec31fe4b01c2162a61d9b","caption":"Mom guilt didn't go away in 2014 (and let's be honest, probably never will), but one blog post on our site by a doctor and mother from Australia completely blew up in the best way possible. In it, Dr. Carolyn Ee perfectly explains both sides of the stay at home/working mom quandary — and reminds mothers they're all really in the same boat.","credit":"","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559ec31f1b0000ba0427f745.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Mom guilt didn't go away in 2014 (and let's be honest, probably never will), but one blog post on our site by a doctor and mother from Australia completely blew up in the best way possible. In it, Dr. Carolyn Ee perfectly explains both sides of the stay at home/working mom quandary â€" and reminds mothers they're all really in the same boat.","width":628,"height":260},"title":"Mutual Respect For All Moms","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"textWrap":"noWrap"},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":2500,"height":1875},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559ec320e4b01c2162a61da1","caption":"With the change from a male to a female Thor this year, Marvel Comics demonstrated its serious commitment to getting all those lady dollars — and we couldn't imagine investing our money in a better place than stories that show strong, tough women who can act as role models for young girls.","credit":"","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559ec320140000e3049a7571.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"With the change from a male to a female Thor this year, Marvel Comics demonstrated its serious commitment to getting all those lady dollars â€" and we couldn't imagine investing our money in a better place than stories that show strong, tough women who can act as role models for young girls.","width":2500,"height":1875},"title":"Female Superheroes","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"textWrap":"noWrap"},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":2048,"height":1415},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559ec320e4b01c2162a61da2","caption":"As the first transgendered person on the cover of Time, Laverne Cox became the face of a new way to define gender. \"This is for my trans siblings out there and for anyone who has ever been told that who you know yourself to be at your core is not legitimate,\" she wrote on Facebook.","credit":"","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559ec32017000087053260b6.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"As the first transgendered person on the cover of Time, Laverne Cox became the face of a new way to define gender. \"This is for my trans siblings out there and for anyone who has ever been told that who you know yourself to be at your core is not legitimate,\" she wrote on Facebook.","width":2048,"height":1415},"title":"Laverne Cox On Time","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"textWrap":"noWrap"},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":606,"height":190},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559ec320e4b01c2162a61da0","caption":"Dads have always played a massive role in family life, of course, but this year, it was at the forefront. The combination of a couple of high-profile stories of fathers leaving their jobs to spend time with the kids, like Mohamed El-Erian and Max Schireson, and commercials (like this Cheerios one) that worked to change the perception of dads, showed a marked change in assumed stereotypes.","credit":"","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559ec3201b0000d30427f747.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Dads have always played a massive role in family life, of course, but this year, it was at the forefront. The combination of a couple of high-profile stories of fathers leaving their jobs to spend time with the kids, like Mohamed El-Erian and Max Schireson, and commercials (like this Cheerios one) that worked to change the perception of dads, showed a marked change in assumed stereotypes.","width":606,"height":190},"title":"Men Making Their Families A Priority","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"textWrap":"noWrap"},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":550,"height":387},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559ec321e4b01c2162a61da3","caption":"When Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arinc made statements to the effect of, \"[A woman] should not laugh loudly in front of all the world and should preserve her decency at all times,\" Turkish women responded by posting pictures of themselves with wide grins, looking both decent AND gorgeous, under the hashtag #direnkahkaha.","credit":"","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559ec321140000e3049a7572.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"When Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arinc made statements to the effect of, \"[A woman] should not laugh loudly in front of all the world and should preserve her decency at all times,\" Turkish women responded by posting pictures of themselves with wide grins, looking both decent AND gorgeous, under the hashtag #direnkahkaha.","width":550,"height":387},"title":"Laughing In The Face Of Oppression","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"textWrap":"noWrap"},"provider":null}],"options":{"theme":"news","device":"desktop","editionInfo":{"id":"us","name":"U.S.","link":"","locale":"en_US"},"slideshowAd":{"scriptTags":[],"otherHtml":""},"slideshowEndCard":{"scriptTags":[{"attribs":{},"scriptBody":"\r\n (function(){\r\n var c = document.getElementById('taboola-endslate-thumbnails');\r\n += '-' + Math.round(Math.random()*1e16);\r\n \r\n var taboolaParams = {\r\n loader: \"//\",\r\n mode: \"thumbnails-b\",\r\n container:,\r\n placement: \"Endslate Thumbnails\",\r\n target_type: \"mix\"\r\n };\r\n \r\n if (typeof window.modulousQueue === \"function\") {\r\n \twindow.modulousQueue.add(function(){ doTaboola(taboolaParams); });\r\n } else {\r\n \tdoTaboola(taboolaParams);\r\n }\r\n }());\r\n"}],"otherHtml":"
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Great Moments For Feminism In 2014

Spoken Poetry About Gender Equality Tagalog
